Little Egret

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, is one of the common species of egrets found in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Little Egret
Little Egret

The first time I saw a Little Egret was when I was a kid and was a common species of birds from where I hail from.  With black bill and black leg, the species is distinctive from other common egrets that are found in its range.

Christmas Frigatebird

Christmas Frigatebird, , also known as Christmas Island Frigatebird is an endemic species of birds found in the Christmas Island. Christmas Frigatebirds are listed as Critically Endangered in the IUCN Red List. These are pelagic species only visiting land for mating and breeding. Frigatebirds are famous for its gular sacs in males which it inflates to attract females during their courtship.

Christmas Island Frigatebird
Christmas Island Frigatebird

The females are slightly larger than the males. Frigatebirds mainly feed on fish. These birds sometimes harass other species of birds to regurgitate their food.

Christmas Island Frigatebird
Christmas Island Frigatebird

Even though these species are endemic to the Christmas Islands, they can be easily seen during pelagic trip outside their breeding areas. I have seen this species of birds from Indonesia in Jakarta Bay. A flock of 200 or so individuals were spotted here. The flock included Christmas Island Frigatebird and Lesser Frigatebird.

Christmas Island Frigatebird
Christmas Island Frigatebird