Little Egret

Little Egret, Egretta garzetta, is one of the common species of egrets found in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Little Egret
Little Egret

The first time I saw a Little Egret was when I was a kid and was a common species of birds from where I hail from.  With black bill and black leg, the species is distinctive from other common egrets that are found in its range.

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting, Emberiza tahapisi, also known as Cinnamon-breasted Rock-Bunting is a bunting seen in the African countries and Oman and Yemen in Middle East.

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting
Cinnamon-breasted Bunting

First saw this bird in Salalah, Oman during my visit there in 2008.